Rise and Shine! Professional Skier Tom Wallisch Hits the Slopes with Suncast

Professional skier Tom Wallisch has been hitting the slopes since he was three years old, clinching X Games victories and numerous world records over the course of his career. But even the pros need the right tools to perform at the top of their game.
Tom rises before dawn to take advantage of the fresh powder. A cold and snowy day is perfect for skiing, so be sure you have a dependable snow shovel and scraper on hand. Whether you’re heading out on a ski run or a grocery run, the less time you spend shoveling your driveway, the more time you’ll have to enjoy your day. Pack a portable car shovel as well in case a storm blows in while you’re out!

And at the end of the day, proper storage is essential; keep boots, gloves, thermals, and other ski gear safely staged in your garage so you’ll be ready to do it all again the moment the first snowflake falls.