The Front Porch is Back

Your front porch is the perfect place to chat with friends, family, and neighbors—and it provides an eye-catching canvas for you to show off your beautiful botanicals to the whole neighborhood. Whether you’ve got a large, wraparound porch or just a few steps up to the front door, the right accents and accessories can transform your porch into a stylish space where creativity and community come together.
A Meeting Place for Friendly Faces
Some comfortable seating, a few planters, and a deck box are all you need to turn the front of your house into your gateway to the neighborhood. Some extra under-seat storage means that you’ll have blankets and cushions ready at a moment’s notice in case of impromptu pop-ins. Planters are a great way to personalize your front porch with a splash of vibrant color; plus, you can change them out with the seasons so that your space is always fresh and inviting.

Growing on the Front Porch
The only thing that tops conversation for building a community is food! If your front porch gets plenty of light, add a few planters and get growing! Vegetable gardens are fun for the whole family, and your little (or big) ones will love showing off the fruits of your efforts for the whole community to see. If you catch your neighbors admiring your front porch vegetable garden (and they will!), you can even host a homegrown bloc party to get everyone together and celebrate in the sunshine.

Small Space? No Problem!
Multifunctional seating and storage are the keys to maximizing any small space. Pick out some seating with added storage, and make sure the seating you select is light and movable so you can make more space if the whole neighborhood decides they want to stop by! Consider small-footprint or hanging planters to make even the smallest space into a growing place and bring a pop of color to your front porch (and your plate!)

Holiday Switcheroo
Front porch seating with built-in storage provides a great way to stow holiday or seasonal decorations — yet another way you can make your front porch shine! By keeping things light and movable, you can adapt the look of your home for any holiday, and who knows— if you start decorating your front porch today, maybe the whole neighborhood will get involved too.
Remember — building a community starts with a single step!